    The Wild Things
    'The Wild Things' is the forthcoming single by Alex Raúl. The song will be available on all streaming platforms.
    As The Call
    Short Film
    'As the Call, So the Echo' is a short dance film, directed and composed by Alex Raúl. The film stars choreographer and dancer Nicole Ishimaru, in a riveting battle with her inner demons. The film premiered at Cinedans FEST '24 in EYE Amsterdam.
    CAVES is an animated VR-experience of an immersive choir performance, set in a virtual cave. The work was directed and composed by Alex Raúl, and premiered at Opera Forward Festival in Amsterdam. CAVES was selected for the Gouden Kalf Award Competition, at Nederlands Film Festival '23. Created in collaboration with art director Bats Bronsveld and character designer Charleton Mercelina. Listen to one of its choir pieces, or see the teaser below.
    The Fantastic Fix
    Alex Raúl's debut album is a sizzling stew of experimental R&B and electronic blues.
    Heart Of Town
    Essay on Amsterdam’s inner city architecture, which is riddled with references to the Netherlands’ history of slavery and colonial exploitation. Published on Failed Architecture.
    Zero Tolerance
    Essay on Amsterdam, liberal tolerance, and the genesis of modern capitalism. Published in The Architectural Review, (London, 2018).
    Jan 14, 2022

    Amsterdam’s architecture of colonial exploitation

    Jan 14, 2022

    Zero tolerance: Amsterdam, the cradle of modern capitalism
